This documentary is based on the book by Tom O’Neil, Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties. With such a provocative title, we’re led to expect mind-blowing revelations. Unfortunately, it’s mostly speculation, though it’s still fascinating.
O’Neil reveals an anti-climactic spoiler right at the beginning:
“I still don’t know what happened but I know that what we were told isn’t what happened.”
This is an honest, if deflating, admission that could probably be applied to many popular conspiracy theories of the last half century or so. We can just sense that something is off with the official narrative, but it’s less easy to pinpoint what really occurred. As a case in point, Chaos director Errol Morris says in an interview with Slate:
“I believe there was a conspiracy to kill JFK, although if you ask me, I would be hard-pressed to tell you exactly the nature of that conspiracy.”
The Official Narrative
The most thorough and widely believed version of the case are found in Bugliosi’s 1974 book Helter Skelter, named after the Beatle’s song that allegedly inspired Manson.
O’Neil’s book presents some compelling reasons to doubt Bugliosi’s account. It’s not the horrific events themselves that are disputed but Manson’s motives. While the Helter Skelter theory looks mainly at Manson’s apocalyptic vision of starting a race war, O’Neil examines some interesting connections between Manson and the CIA MK-ULTRA program, which involved mind control and LSD.
There’s also a possible connection between a CIA-linked scientist named Louis Jolyon “Jolly” West and Manson. Both West and Manson have links to the Haight Ashbury Free Medical Clinic. Manson often brought his followers to the clinic for medical treatments (largely treating venereal diseases). West apparently went to the same clinic to recruit subjects for his dubious experiments.
Unfortunately, this critical link between West and Manson is speculation, as there’s no evidence that they ever met.
O’Neil suggests that Manson may not have been taking direct orders from West or the CIA. Rather, he may have simply been given the freedom to “do whatever he wanted.” In this view, Manson himself may have been part of a wider experiment -let all these crazy hippies take lots of drugs and see what happens. This could explain why law enforcement was so slow at apprehending Manson and his followers.
Linking Manson with the CIA overlaps with many other popular conspiracy theories regarding the 1960s counterculture. Many of these theories are related to the Laurel Canyon music scene as well as the Beatles. If you want a taste, just look up O’Neil’s book on Amazon and check out the related books. It’s an endless rabbit hole.
Manson’s connection to the music industry is well established, of course. It was possibly a key factor in the murders. Manson supposedly thought the house where Sharon Tate and others were killed was occupied by music producer Terry Melcher, who declined to produce Manson’s record.
The Manson murders are an American true crime saga that never seems to stop fascinating people. Quentin Tarantino revived it with Once Upon a Time in America, which postulates an alternative outcome.
The Chaos documentary only skims the surface and you really need to read O’Neil’s book for more details. Director Morris takes a skeptical view but doesn’t present O’Neil as a total crank. It would be hard to do this as O’Neil himself admits he doesn’t know the real truth. The very fact that he made this film at all suggests he considers the case far from closed. Unfortunately, there’s not much hope that we’ll get any closure. Many of the key players surrounding the Manson murders, including Manson himself and prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi are now dead, making it unlikely we’ll ever know the complete truth.